Tomoyo Harada (Album, 恋愛小説4~音楽飛行), 2023
Tomoyo Harada (Album, 恋愛小説4~音楽飛行), 2023
Tomoyo Harada (Album, 恋愛小説4~音楽飛行), 2023
Tomoyo Harada (Album, 恋愛小説4~音楽飛行), 2023
Atelier wall (Less cyan), 2023
Lighting, lighting of dream, dream of lighting, lighting, 2023
Ojos (目 Contact sheet sequence), 2023
Behind the scenes (Khoki's show), 2023
Jiu jitsu (Broken bones), 2023
René Redzepi (Noma Kyoto), 2023
British Telegraph Newspaper Magazine
G & M Design gallery
Group exhibition 「Point & View」, 2023
G & M Design gallery
Group exhibition 「Point & View」, 2023
unico furniture (ウニコ) furniture, 2023
Genic Magazine
Son and reflection, 2022
Skyscape (it came from nowhere), 2023
Butterfly death in hands, 2023
書籍『Räume des Lichts』の表紙写真。津島佑子著
Cover photography for the book Räume des Lichts. Written by Yuko Tsushima
ALLU Magazine 2022
Feature BATON
Artwork_ Here we are, blue humming, 2021
Study of blue & ripped print, 2021
Rolled prints and print on wall, 2022
Full circle to full moon, full moon to full circle, 2022
Actress Moka Kamishiraishi book cover
「Let me be what I want to be」
Solo Exhibition
会場:Great Books
reload 東京都世田谷区北沢3-19-20
「Let me be what I want to be」
Solo Exhibition
April 30th (Sat) -May 15th (Sun), 2022
Closed on Mondays
Opening hours: 12: 00-19:00
Venue: Great Books
〒155-0031 Tokyo, Setagaya City, Kitazawa, 3 Chome−19−20 reload
「Let me be what I want to be」
Solo Exhibition
会場:Great Books
reload 東京都世田谷区北沢3-19-20
「Let me be what I want to be」
Solo Exhibition
April 30th (Sat) -May 15th (Sun), 2022
Closed on Mondays
Opening hours: 12: 00-19:00
Venue: Great Books
〒155-0031 Tokyo, Setagaya City, Kitazawa, 3 Chome−19−20 reload
Atelier wall (Kitchen), 2022
Nico Perez x CURBONby
Kazuhei Kimura
Havana, Cuba "The Reprint"
Solo exhibition
営業時間は 11: 00-19: 00
会場の様子 ウルトラスーパーニューギャラリー
Havana, Cuba “The Reprint”
Solo exhibition
November 20th (Sat) -November 28th (Sun), 2021
Closed on Monday, November 22
Opening hours: 11: 00-19: 00
Venue: UltraSuperNew gallery
1-1-3 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Nakajo Masayoshi san
Hanatsubaki magazine
Tama bijutsudaigaku no intabyū to shashin ここにいこう, 2020 ga furīmagajin `Whooops' no hyōshi ni keisai saremashita.
Interview for Tama art university & photo ここにいこう,2020 on the cover of there free magazine Whooops.
Untitled fashion (leur logette), 2015
Atelier wall,(iphone), 2021
Le Monde
SS22 Paris Collection
beautiful people
Madame Figaro magazine
Madame Figaro magazine
Kongetsu no shashin zasshi GENIC ni watashi no shashin to kotoba ga keisai sa remashita
Some of my photos and words are published in this months photography magazine GENIC
ADAM ET ROPE x Ayumi Hamamoto
Madame Figaro magazine
Madame Figaro magazine
Atelier wall (iphone), 2021
Yusaku Maezawa
The Telegraph Newspaper
Here we are, blue humming, 2021
佐藤 勝利 Shori Sato
bis magazine
佐藤 勝利 Shori Sato
bis magazine
Atelier wall (iphone), 2021
Vámonos,(3), 2021
8inch x 10inch
I’m not quite there (I), 2020, Untitled, 2020
Ripped prints
iphone (May 10), 2021
Rinka Kumada for barfout Magazine
hummel Japan
11.3/4 inch x 16.1/2 inch
Izumi Kato in his atelier | アトリエでの Izumi Kato san
Whitelies Magazine
16.1/2 inch x 11.3/4 inch
TRANSIT magazine
Kumano, Wakayama
Solo Exhibition
離れる| Take Off
The Plant magazine
Fuji 1/3, 2020
Notes, 2021 (Thoughts written whilst taking down photos from exhibition 展覧会の写真を撤去しながら書いた感想)
Solo Exhibition
離れる| Take Off
The Plant Magazine
Fuji Through Mist
Penguin Modern Classics Book cover
Yuko Tsushima | Territory of Light
Penguin Modern Classics Book cover
Yuko Tsushima | Child of Fortune
Rinka Kumada for barfout Magazine
hummel Japan
Rinka Kumada for barfout Magazine
hummel Japan
Solo Exhibition
離れる| Take Off
I feel that with you (Purple I) & Nana, 2021
Exhibition excerpt
Kingsland Road, 2017
bis Magazine
Cover story with So Matsushima
TRANSIT magazine
Kumano, Wakayama
Archive (Ginza magazine, 2019)
Photography for Calbee Commercial
Everything is Nothing & Nothing is Everything (Yohji Yamamoto II, 2021)
Everything is Nothing & Nothing is Everything (Yohji Yamamoto III, 2021)
Rinko Kawauchi
Shiseido Hanatsubaki magazine
Numéro TOKYO
Chrome Hearts
I'm not quite there (II), 2020
Morning atelier wall (Kitchen), 2020
Imperfect horizon (I), 2020
Imperfect horizon (II), 2020
Imperfect horizon (III), 2020
I'm not quite there (I), 2020
(Test print), 2020
Whim x Opnner
Morning atelier wall, 2020
Cover photography
Penguin Modern Classics
Yuko Tsushima Child of Fortune
I saw more than one scene, 2020
34.61inch x 51.15 inch (Relationship with Sakura, 2020) on wooden panel
Kanto Gakuin University
Compass 2021 brochure booklet
Hajime san's rose at my atelier, 2020
Archive | Soen magazine
Actress Suzu Hirose
Musician Kate NV | lutemedia
Spring/Summer 2020 eye_C magazine cover
London (Hackney downs), 2017
SOEN Magazine
Girl Vol.37
London (Hackney downs), 2017
Baby on the shoulder, 2017
Archive | Magazine
Mitsuki Takahata
Kanto Gakuin University
Compass 2020 brochure booklet
Charles Chaton 2020 S/S Visual film Stills
Film director Yukiko Mishima & actress Kaho for Filt. An interview on there latest film “Red” released next February 21.
Shichi-Go-San ("Seven-Five-Three") “Is a traditional rite of passage and festival day in Japan for three- and seven-year-old girls and five-year-old (and less commonly three-year-old) boys, held annually on November 15 to celebrate the growth and well-being of young children.
Its meaning is to celebrate the survival of children, because in the past people have lost their children due to poor health conditions.
Over time, this tradition passed to the samurai class who added a number of rituals. Children—who up until the age of three were required by custom to have shaven heads—were allowed to grow out their hair. Boys of age five could wear hakama for the first time, while girls of age seven replaced the simple cords they used to tie their kimono with the traditional obi. By the Meiji period, the practice was adopted amongst commoners as well, and included the modern ritual of visiting a shrine to drive out evil spirits and wish for a long healthy life. The tradition has changed little since the Meiji period. While the ritual regarding hair has been discarded, boys who are aged five and girls who are aged three or seven are still dressed in kimono—many for the first time—for visits to shrines.”
Actress Kaho for the cover of FILT
|Contact sheet| actress Nana Komatsu in Marni
|Contact sheet| actress Nana Komatsu in Marc by Marc Jacobs
Ripped print, 2019 (Untitled fashion)
That day in Brighton, i remember it so well, yet it seems so for away, 2017
Ripped print, 2019
(London, 2017)
Actress Sei Shiraishi for Bis magazine
Kunichi Nomura | Dazed & Confused Korea
Progression of light, 2019
Unpublished fashion, 2017